Monday, June 15, 2009

Cooking Kangaroo at Holy Cross

Last Friday was the last day of official classes for the school year. As a treat, I had been promising to cook some kangaroo meat for the kids in my classes. Fortunately, there is an Australian butcher in Kingston who imports kangaroo meat. (At exhorbitant prices mind you!)

I was lucky enough to be able to borrow a grill from my colleague, Chris and so I set up the good old Aussi BBQ in my classroom.

Whilst the kids chilled out and watched an Aussie movie, the smell of Kangaroo meat permeated the classroom and wafted out into the hall. Someof the kids were a little grossed out but most were fascinated by it all.

Most kids had a taste and declared it to be good. There was plenty left for some of the staff to try as well. The kangaroo was a success. It's not everyday skippy gets cooked at Holy Cross!

The photos are of my period two and period four classes enjoying a little tase of Aussie culture!

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